Bullet Journal Future Log Ideas for 2022

The bullet journal is a flexible organizational system that can be tailored to fit anyone’s needs. One of the most useful components of the bullet journal is the future log, which is a place to record future events, goals, and plans. In this post, we’ll explore everything you need to know about the bullet journal future log and how to use it effectively.

New to Bullet Journaling? This article is part of a series on how to start a bullet journal.

What is the Future Log in a Bullet Journal?

The future log is a section of your bullet journal where you can record future events, goals, and plans. It’s essentially a calendar that covers several months or even an entire year. The future log helps you plan ahead and stay on track with your goals.

How to Create a Future Log

Creating a future log in your bullet journal is easy. Here are the steps:

  1. Set aside several pages in your journal for the future log. Depending on how much space you need, you may want to reserve two to six pages for this section.
  2. Divide the first page into six sections, one for each month. You can label each section with the name of the month or simply use the number of the month.
  3. Repeat this process for the next page until you’ve covered the time frame you want to plan for.
  4. Write down the events, goals, and plans you have for each month in their respective sections.

Tips for Using the Future Log Effectively

Here are some tips for using the future log effectively:

1. Plan ahead

Make sure to plan ahead when using the future log. This means recording events, goals, and plans well in advance so that you can stay on track and prepare accordingly.

2. Be specific

When recording events and goals, be as specific as possible. This will help you stay organized and focused on what needs to be done. For example, instead of simply writing “Dentist appointment,” include the date, time, and location of the appointment.

3. Review regularly

Make sure to review your future log regularly to stay on track with your goals and plans. You can even set reminders to review it weekly or monthly.

4. Update as needed

If plans change or new events come up, make sure to update your future log accordingly. This will help you stay on top of your schedule and avoid any conflicts.

Benefits of Using a Future Log in Your Bullet Journal

Using a future log in your bullet journal has several benefits:

1. Improved planning

The future log allows you to plan ahead and stay on top of your schedule. By recording events, goals, and plans well in advance, you can ensure that you have enough time to prepare and make any necessary arrangements.

2. Increased productivity

By having a clear plan of what needs to be done in the future, you can increase your productivity and focus. You won’t have to worry about forgetting important events or goals, which can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety.

3. Better organization

The future log helps you stay organized and on track. You can easily see what needs to be done in the future and make any necessary adjustments to your schedule.


The bullet journal future log is a powerful tool for staying organized and focused. By planning ahead and recording events, goals, and plans, you can ensure that you stay on track with your schedule and achieve your goals. Use the tips above to create an effective future log and enjoy the benefits of an organized and efficient journaling system.