Bullet Journal Money Trackers

Bullet journals make keeping track of money fun and easy. Here are eleven bullet journal ideas that will help you save money and stick to your financial goals.

1. Double duty tracking spread

If you have something else you want to keep track of, like homework assignments or personal habits, a side-by-side tracking layout like this can be very helpful. Every time you see track one thing, it’ll remind you to track the other, so you’ll be more likely to stay on top of multiple goals.

This awesome idea comes from Heather @the.bujo.plan

2. Spend less…. save more!

Bullet journal money trackers are a cool and fun way to track your spending, saving, bills, and all your finances. Here are some ways you can keep track of money in your bullet journal.

This money tracker layout includes a large savings tracker on the right (who doesn’t love mason jars?!) and a spending tracker on the left.

Spending less money (and keeping track of what you spend it on) will definitely help you save more!

4. Keep track of expenses and credit cards

I love this layout by Emily @feminist_bujo. First of all love the use of color – the fact that blue is exclusively used in this spread would make it easy to quickly find the right page in your bullet journal. I also love the expense tracking and credit card budgeting. Very cool!

5. Six Month Financial Tracker

Bullet journal money trackers are a cool and fun way to track your spending, saving, bills, and all your finances. Here are some ways you can keep track of money in your bullet journal.

I like keeping track of my monthly bills, subscriptions, and other recurring expenses with a spread like this.

6. Monthly bills tracker

This simple-looking spread is an easy way to keep track of your monthly bill payments. By doing so, you’ll know if things have been paid, when they are due, and how much they were. Trust me, keeping track of all that stuff makes it so much easier to make and stick to a budget!

7. Track your savings goals

What a fun way to stay motivated with your savings goals? If you have a fun savings goal like saving up for a vacation or a house, why not try making a bullet journal tracker you can fill in as you go, in the shape of something that will remind you what you want?

8. No spend challenge tracker

When you’re trying to save money, one of the best ways to motivate yourself is to do a no-spend challenge. It can be for certain times, like weekends, for no-spend streaks, or perhaps even longer! This calendar idea is super cute, you could cross out every day that you don’t spend money. Love it!

9. Savings jar bullet journal layout

A savings jar is one of the most common images you see for a bullet journal savings tracker. Every month (or week or day) just fill in how much you saved. Super easy and looks great!

As seen on Kaethe Veganete’s blog.

10. Savings jar and Instagram tracker

This cute layout features a monthly saving jar tracker on the left and an instagram followers tracker on the right. Another great way to track your money and some other goals at the same time!

From Vero @endless_vegan