25 Cute and Creative Bullet Journal Accounts to Follow on Instagram in 2023

Are you looking for inspiration for your bullet journal? Look no further than Instagram! There are so many talented and creative bullet journal enthusiasts sharing their spreads on the platform. From minimalist designs to artistic illustrations, there’s a bullet journal account out there for everyone. In this post, we’ve rounded up 25 of the cutest and most creative bullet journal accounts to follow on Instagram. Get ready to be inspired and add some new accounts to your feed!

Table of Contents

Minimalist Bullet Journal Accounts

  1. @tinyrayofsunshine – Kim shares minimalist bullet journal spreads and offers tips for simplifying your life.
  2. @rydercarroll – Ryder is the creator of the bullet journal system and shares minimalist spreads.
  3. @plinthced – Emily shares minimalist bullet journal spreads and offers tips for decluttering and minimalism.
  4. @journal.items – This account showcases minimalist bullet journal spreads featuring items and objects that inspire creativity and productivity.
  5. @studysthetics – This account features minimalist bullet journal spreads with a focus on studying and academic productivity.

Functional Bullet Journal Accounts

  1. @bujoncoffee – This account showcases functional bullet journal spreads with a coffee-themed aesthetic.
  2. @bujoforstars – This account features functional bullet journal spreads with a space-themed aesthetic.
  3. @bujo.auslife – This account features functional bullet journal spreads with a focus on productivity and self-care.
  4. @bujoandcookies – This account features functional bullet journal spreads with a fun and playful aesthetic.
  5. @littleolivebujo – This account showcases functional bullet journal spreads with a minimalistic and clean aesthetic.

Girly Bullet Journal Accounts

  1. @amandarachdoodles – Amanda shares girly bullet journal spreads with a focus on creativity and fun.
  2. @bujoabby – This account features girly bullet journal spreads with a focus on self-care and mental health.
  3. @sunshine.journals – This account features colorful and creative bullet journal spreads with a focus on self-care and positivity. The spreads are beautifully decorated with bright colors and uplifting quotes, making it the perfect account to follow if you’re looking for inspiration to brighten up your day.

Artistic Bullet Journal Accounts

  1. @journalspiration – This account features artistic bullet journal spreads with a focus on illustration and creativity.
  2. @pacificnotation – This account showcases artistic bullet journal spreads with a nature-inspired aesthetic.
  3. @scribble.studies – This account features artistic bullet journal spreads with a focus on studying and academic productivity.
  4. @my_blue_sky_design – This account showcases artistic bullet journal spreads with a fun and colorful aesthetic.
  5. @bujo_mama – This account features artistic bullet journal spreads with a focus on family and parenting.

Study-Oriented Bullet Journal Accounts

  1. @study.susan – Susan shares bullet journal spreads with a focus on studying and academic productivity.
  2. @study.mim – This account features bullet journal spreads with a focus on studying and academic success.
  3. @bujostudy – This account features bullet journal spreads with a focus on studying and academic productivity.
  4. @studywithinspo – This account features bullet journal spreads with a focus on studying and academic success, with a colorful and playful aesthetic.
  5. @organizedcharm – This account showcases bullet journal spreads with a focus on studying and academic success, with a clean and organized aesthetic.

These are just a few of the many bullet journal accounts on Instagram. Whether you’re looking for minimalist spreads to help you simplify your life, functional spreads to help you stay organized and productive, girly spreads to inspire your creativity, artistic spreads to showcase your talents, or study-oriented spreads to help you excel academically, there’s a bullet journal account out there for you. Happy journaling!

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