Journal Prompts For Confidence

Feelings of inadequacy can be huge roadblocks in your pathway to success and contentment. Thoughts like, “I’m not good enough” or “I’m not smart enough” come from you wanting to protect yourself from danger, but if it keeps you from trying things would be good for you, it’s not helping.

If I didn’t doubt myself, I would

I haven’t allowed myself to feel

If I didn’t need validation from anyone, I’d

One time when I felt like I was really helping

In what kinds of situations do you feel the most confident?

In what kinds of situations do you feel the least confident?

Imagine yourself as a more confident person in the situations you thought of in the previous question. How would you act differently?

What things make you feel safe and secure?

What are some things that make you different from everyone else you know?

Imagine your best friend. What do they like about being with you?

What are your best physical traits?

What are your best personality traits?

What does confidence mean to you?

Is confidence important to you? Why or why not?

Make a list of 10 positive affirmations about yourself.

What are some things you feel could be better about yourself?

Which of those things do you think you can try to improve? What actions could someone take to make those improvements?

Which of those things can you accept as weaknesses? What are the consequences of accepting them as weaknesses?

What’s physically unique about you? Do you see it as beautiful or do you try to hide it?

What would happen if you tried to showcase the ways you look unique from others?

What are some reasons you deserve to be loved?

What is your greatest achievement to date?

What is the bravest thing you have ever done?

Have you ever missed out on something because you were afraid? What was it?

What are you the best at?

What things are you the most grateful for in your life today?

What if you were the most confident person in the world. What would your day look like?

What was the funniest thing that happened to you lately?

Make a list of things that make you laugh.

Make a list of things that make you feel confident.

Make a list of things you can be more mindful of doing to be more confident.

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